

Despite a powdered sugar dusting of snow along all the edges this morning, we had winter sunshine today, high and stabbing and potent. Plastic stretched sky, so shiny and bright it looks unreal. Blue like a robin’s egg, like a periwinkle, like the water against the pale blue painted sides of a swimming pool. Nearly no clouds and a few jet trails like jewelry across heaven’s throat. Later, an unseen artist adds dabs of black to the mix, gradually darkening the hue from blue through black, a cobalt that breathes with tiny twinkly pulsating stars. They look like pinholes through to the real sky. There is a wheel of stars above our house. If you stand still and look at the stars, your breath wreathes your head in cold-smoked wonder and you stagger and grab to avoid falling up.

Kissed Anders goodbye this morning and then worried about his flight all the way to work because it was so windy, but he called me this evening and said everything went smoothly. Today was errand day, a run-run-run mix of kid dentist appointment, grocery shopping, dinner (there are MOOSE in the Happy Meals!) and library to return books.

Happy package dance occurred when I took the mail out of the mailbox, as I got 2 books from my mom along with the Page Design book I ordered from Before & After!

Book Recommendation: The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier. Wow. Gulped in nearly one sitting. Fictionalized history of how the famous tapestries from the 15th century came into being. Which prior descriptive sentence doesn’t even begin to say how engaging this book is.

The Ek Family website has a new home, just moved into this week, and everything is already unloaded and unpacked and pictures have been hung on the walls! You’re invited to a housewarming party over at www.lizardek.com!

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