

The temperature dropped drastically yesterday and we went out at midnight to a crystal clear, frosty night with fireworks already crackling around us. We walked up around the corner to the open field and set off our own fireworks while watching the light show. Angie’s little boy Alex is terrified of fireworks and, forced to come with us, he had Anders’ ear protectors over his hat and his eyes screwed tightly shut for the entire half hour we were outside. Karin had a blast being in charge of the fireworks and choosing which rockets to give her daddy to light. MAN, it was cold!! You could see all the stars disappearing behind a huge ring of firecracker smoke over the village. Orion hangs very low over us this time of year. Welcome, 2004!

The menu:
Lobster & crab salad served in the shell
Asparagus and portobello mushroom sauté with pine nuts
New potatoes with thyme and whole garlic cloves
Peppered rare beef fillet
White chocolate and raspberry pillows

Angie and Kristian were great fun, as usual, and it was nice to meet her parents. Her dad kept reminding me of my dad is small ways, and he and Anders got into a discussion about motorcycles that went on and on. 🙂 The kids were up until 2 a.m. and after surfing the web a bit and calling my mom to wish her a happy new year, we turned in at 3-something a.m. This morning, my bed felt like comforter quicksand and it was nearly impossible to drag myself out of it at the ungodly hour of 11. Oj! Anders is feeling restless and wants to go DO something, as the sun is shining, but due to the holiday, everything is closed, so he will probably content himself with taking the kids for a walk in the woods or iceskating on one of the 24/7 outdoor rinks.

The kids are watching Kiki’s Delivery Service for what seems the MILLIONTH time. We have 3 different Japanese anime movies and I swear, all the main characters are identical. How do they tell them apart? Am I just TOO old?! haha! The kids won’t watch Spirited Away, however, because it’s too scary, so I still haven’t seen it.

I must get the AWC website finished and uploaded in the next day or so, as it was due yesterday. Oh well, I’m sure people will understand if it’s a few days late! I did work on it for several hours yesterday, but still have all the activity pages to do. My webwoman is still on vacation, so I have to do all the uploading myself this time. And I haven’t even STARTED the printed version! Bad Editor! Bad!

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