Monthly Archive: October 2003



Just got handed a fun project to do at work, which makes 2 out of 4, substantially upping the fun quotient. You’ll probably think I’m nuts when I reveal that the fun project is a catalog for our customer’s baseband and radio technology products, LOL! But it’s layout work and not dicking around with a database or recreating web pages in a pain-in-the-ass intranet platform. I haven’t wanted to BE at work lately, much less do anything of worth to earn my salary while there. I want to be home working on my collage book or playing on the computer...



October is a prankster, a con man, a swindler and a liar. If October tells you your shoe’s untied, don’t look down. If October whispers the name of a certain stock, don’t buy it. If October shakes your hand, check your wallet. October wants you to believe that the sunny days of summer weren’t all that good, that August was too hot and it rained all of July. October wants you to appreciate the sparkling afternoons and the brisk mornings, the colors of the leaves and the taste of caramel apples. October wants to pull the wool over your eyes...