

Lately, I keep evaluating songs I’m listening to on whether I’d like to have them played at my funeral or not. Would they send the appropriate message to my grieving friends and family? Are they “pretty” or “mellow” or “thoughtful” enough?

Appropriate: Make it Good by Ruut
Inappropriate: Gone Baby Gone by Boz Scaggs

Appropriate: When You Come Back Down by Nickel Creek
Inappropriate: There She Goes by The La’s

Appropriate: As I Lay Me Down by Sophie B. Hawkins
Inappropriate: Fortunately Gone by The Breeders

This morning, I woke up with a disturbing dream still very fresh in my mind. It was violent and heavy and dystopian and it took awhile for the images to fade. I don’t often have violent disturbing dreams, but I remember several of the ones I have had. At least I remember the main “story” even if the details are unclear nowadays. I don’t put a lot of stock in dreams or dream images. I think most of that stuff is a bunch of hooey, but I sure wouldn’t want anyone psychoanalyzing me based on last night’s nightmare.

I made the mistake of not hiding the jar of black olives leftover from Thanksgiving. I went to have a handful with my dinner tonight, and found that Karin and Olivia polished them off last night, much to my chagrin.

Chagrin is a weird word. Comes from French which might explain it.

Christmas is coming, way too fast. I’m not ready. I’ve barely started thinking about gifts, though I’ve ordered some, and have some already since earlier. I need to go through them and figure out where I’m at and what I still need. ACK! And I have NO ideas for my husband. GAH.

This is one of those crazy weeks, which something going on every night, though today’s after-work activity consisted of going to ICA and buying the ingredients for creamy crab nachos which Karin has requested for her “last supper” before she leaves for Austria on Wednesday. Unfortunately, Anders is in Tingsryd all week, so they had to say goodbye yesterday. He’ll be home over the weekend, but gone again all next week, too.

Tuesday: massage at Blindspot, then dinner with the kids and Olivia at home
Wednesday: AIC wreathmaking workshop
Thursday: book release party for my friend Carys
Friday: farewell dinner for Helen
Saturday: bake cookies for AIC cookie exchange, get advent lights up, decorate for Xmas?
Sunday: concert with Debbie and Camilla

The other night, after all our guests had left, we were sitting talking in the living room, Anders and I, with Karin and Olivia, and I remembered that Karin wanted to see the photos from our wedding of some of our friends that she met at the funeral last week. I pulled out the photo albums and had to laugh at many of the photos, and Karin’s reaction to them. Everyone was so young! We had a fantastic photographer and he set up a backdrop that anyone could go take photos in front of (his assistant stayed there all evening). We have some hilarious photos of our friends and family, lots of funny group shots. But the worst part was there was one woman in some of the photos that I didn’t recognize at all. Anders didn’t know who she was either. NO CLUE. How terrible is that? Someone’s wife or girlfriend, maybe. But still, you’d think I’d remember everyone who was at my own wedding. Granted, there WERE 75 people there and I was kinda busy, but still.

Mood: relaxed
Music: Zac Efron & Zendaya (The Greatest Showman)—Rewrite the Stars

2 Responses

  1. John Slaughter says:

    I am supposed to get something for your husband…
    Xmas…. not long now, need to shop.
    haven t remembered any dreams in quite some time. might be a good thing.
    music to be dead by? sounds like a playlist to me. might check Spotify eyeyey…. could be scary.
    post the pic. maybe a time traveler. was she holding a smartphone? boggles the mid. and whoooo was that great looking guy with the ponytail… do not post that picture…
    do not.
    I warned you.

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