

First half of the day was awful, went from bad to cruddy with one thing after another coming at me like javelins. Haven’t had a day like that at work in quite some time so it threw me for a bit of a loop.

Managed to regain my equilibrium in the afternoon just in time to go into an 1.5-hour long meeting about our work insurance and pension plans and conditions and by the time that was over, I was ready to wrap the day back up and return it for a new one. I don’t understand insurance and pensions and funds in ENGLISH very well, and in Swedish I was feeling very lost and upset about it. ARGH.

BUT, took myself out for the evening: drove from work down to central Lund which was all lit up and Christmassy, and I stopped in a couple of stores and found a couple of stocking stuffers and then I went to a favorite sushi place and had dinner, entertaining myself nicely with a new and interesting book I just started (I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak) and THEN I went to the movies and saw Twilight. It was good, but not spectacular, and I couldn’t figure out why the age limit, even with parents, is 15. There was ONE kiss, no swearing, and very little, mostly off-screen violence.

I think movie makers, in general, have gotten better in the past several years at making films out of books. I suspect a lot of that has to do with the advances in special effects and CGI, but also it seems that there is less re-writing of storylines to better fit a director or screenwriter’s vision of a book in film format. Still, I think the movie maker in my head is better than any cinema: my imagination, especially when in the grip of a book by a really good author, is the best casting director, camera operator, makeup artist, costume designer, sound mixer and choreographer rolled into one that could ever exist.

Anyway, I actually had fairly low expectations for the movie and I enjoyed it, and thought about half the casting choices were spot on, and the ones that weren’t I was able to get past, so that was good. Now, I’m going to bed and hope that tomorrow will start off right and get better from there.

Showy Glowy Super Snowy Birthday Wishes for kachunknorge!

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