

There are so many things that I want to do. I want to meet the members of my bloggity inner circle in person. I want to do a collage page a day in my book. I want to spend more time with my kids doing things that are fun for all of us. I want to go to bed early with my husband. I want to put together a book of my writings and publish it. I want to live closer to my sister, and my brother, and my mom. I want to walk a half an hour every day, no excuses. I want to fly home for the holidays. I want to commission art from Wee, and the other artists in my personal dream art gallery. I want to help Rée clean her house. I want to THOROUGHLY clean out my closet. I want to buy all the music and the books on my wish lists and then I want time to listen to and read them all. I want you to send me a page for my friends-book if you haven’t already. I want to see if you’re paying attention. I want to find the motivation to make our yard and garden beautiful. I want to begin saying yes again, instead of no. I want to spend more time with my friends here and get back in touch with my friends there. I want to continue working every day at a job I am good at and that I love. I want to change my eating habits for the better and lose weight. I want to do my part to make a difference in this world. I want enough time in my life to do all the things on my wish list.

I want to figure out a way to make wishes come true for the people I care about.

I want to find something that makes me smile or laugh in each day.

I want to be more inspired about what I am writing in this journal.

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