

Just had a scheduled 15-minutes-with-the-boss, with Johan, our department manager, and told him exactly how I’ve been feeling about my job, our company culture, the upcoming move, and all. He was very sympathetic and agreed with me on several points and offered alternate solutions and promised to take action on several of the most important things that are bothering me. Too bad he can’t do anything about the open landscape shit, but at least he agreed that it IS shit, even if we have to make the best of it.

I’ve gotten involved with the trivselkommitteén for the move to the new place. I’m not sure how to translate that..it comes out as “comfort committee.” The purpose of the committee is to come up with ways to make all the employees happier and content with their new work environment via interior decoration, basically. We’ve decided on colors and some cool posters (that I get to design 🙂 and had a lot of good ideas which we’re not sure we’ll be able to get past the cost-cutting eyes of the finance department, up to and including aquariums. heh. Humongous tanks with white stones and blue fish would look great in our office, don’t you think?

My sister just told me she’s picked up a bunch of stuff for me at Michael’s where she works. She said, “It’s way more stuff than you’ll probably ever need or use but what the heck you can share or trade it with your buddies.” Woo hoo, , we may finally be able to have another round-robin swap soon! 🙂 haha!

I have choir tonight, it’s the first time since our big concert before Christmas, so I’m really looking forward to it. I had decided earlier this week not to go since I have book group tomorrow and that would have meant three evenings gone when my family is leaving on a ski trip Friday morning, and hey, it might be nice to see my kids and husband once or twice before they’re gone for a week, don’tcha think? But, since I didn’t go to the work dinner yesterday, I’m thinking maybe I can get away with going to choir tonight. Choir is much more important for bettering my outlook on life than spending 500 kronor on a work outing and then piling the car into a snowbank would have been, anyway.

The sky is lightening. Hope springs eternal!

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