

I’m so boring. At least tonight. It’s nearly 10 and I haven’t done much at all since getting home. I have at least managed the following, just to bore you some more:
pick up milk and apples
take the kids to the library to return books and get new ones
make dinner
run the dishwasher
edit and upload pictures to the AWC staging server

There was a package waiting for Martin & Karin when we got home, with some more clothes for Karin from her cousin Rachel (yay, sis! thanks!) and books and 2 little crafty things. The crafty things were 2 tiny little books with attached inch-square ink pads and marker pens, with flip pages and instructions on how to do thumbprint drawings. Instant hit! Martin LOVED them. He did every one of the suggested pictures. When I said he could do his own on a bigger piece of paper and that the ones in the book were just ideas, he said, “But, I want to do the ideas!” ๐Ÿ™‚

I can remember doing thumbprint drawings myself as a kid, with my dad’s old black inkpad (which I still have!). I think my grandma has the one I made of a giraffe still hanging in her bathroom.

Jesus. I just saw the replay of Kenny Brรคck’s crash last night at the Indy racing in Texas. ๐Ÿ™ I can’t believe he’s still alive. I saw a headline on Expressen that his mother saw the crash on TV last night. Can you imagine?!

1st highlight of the week is coming up tomorrow morning: MASSAGE! only half an hour and it’s at work, but still. ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven’t had a real massage in ages. Anders has to be begged to give me one and even then it’s usually only a few minutes. His hands are always aching from hockey or working in the yard. ๐Ÿ™ You can tell the honeymoon is long over, LOL!

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