

I started this post by writing that I was ashamed to be an American again. But you know what? I’m not. I’m ashamed of the 7 conservative members of the Supreme Court who have been bought and paid for and made a mockery of actual justice. I’m ashamed of the Republican party and all of those who have kowtowed and worked tirelessly to put the US in the state it is now: divided, corrupt, following a felon, rapist, power-mad lying psychopath who cares about absolutely nothing but himself. I’m ashamed of everyone who voted for him the first time, and even more ashamed of those who say they’ll vote for him again. I’m ashamed of right-wing religious zealots who believe that the only way to lift themselves up is to shove others down, putting the rights of themselves above the lives, rights, and dignity of everyone they deem below them. I’m ashamed of people who cannot be counted on to do the RIGHT FUCKING THING. And I’m ashamed of everyone who thinks that not voting for Biden is the right thing to do because he’s too old, or he’s too soft on Israel, or he’s out of touch, especially if that means not voting at all, or voting for some third-party, because that is essentially a vote for Trump. What the actual hell.

Some days I feel like everyone has truly gone insane, that no one thinks beyond themselves, and their own power. That kindness and decency and fair play are remnants of a past that people only pay lip service to, but don’t really care about PRACTICING.


Mood: angry
Music: Daniela Galasso—Its Not Over

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