

Things that are good right now:

Spring into summer in Sweden: sunshine, perfect temperatures, cooling breezes, green growing things, flowering trees, wild daisies along the roads, birdsong, bumblebees and butterflies, the sounds of children playing in the neighborhood (and lawn mowers and hedge clippers)

My family: being celebrated for Mors Dag (Swedish Mothers Day) with double rose bouquets, chocolates, and a Lego peacock, spending time together and eating delicious dinners that Anders cooks, planning a birthday trip (with Anders), crosswords from Martin that blow me away, Karin’s enthusiastic drive to do odd jobs around the house for money (and her helping me with stuff on my new iPhone), having lots of extra phone calls and text convos with my sister and brother, my sister going above and beyond (as usual) with family issues

Friends that help: our neighbor Jessika helping us put the net on the cherry tree, my friend Russell helping with a bunch of AIC website upgrades and updates, the entire AIC board that helps organize activities and comes to them and stays engaged, my friend Becky readily and immediately helping answer confusing legal questions and making things understandable for a layperson.

Really good books lately: The Last Animal by Ramona Ausubel, Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty by Ramona Ausubel, The Waters by Bonnie Jo Campbell, The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown, A Short Walk Through A Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke

AND! My knee is nearly 100% better! My iPhone setup is complete and it’s great! I keep having fun ideas for crossword puzzles! Work is going well and isn’t too stressful at the moment! I am making inroads on a bunch of different to-do lists! The house is (relatively) clean!

Of course, not everything is going swimmingly. There’s always something, isn’t there? But it’s nice to feel that most things in my life right now are pretty positive and I’m in a good mood about them all.

Mood: content
Music: Isabella Kensington—All the Best

1 Response

  1. Russell G. says:


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