

May is flying by, as is spring, and though I am trying to notice it every day, notice the flowers, the green, the sunshine, the skies, it’s all going too fast, and I can’t believe it’s nearly June. We’ve had nearly 2 weeks of gorgeous warm summer weather, not too hot, but lots of windy days and yesterday it poured rain all afternoon. Which we needed so no complaining. Due to the summer heatwave, all of Sweden is quite dry and that one afternoon of rain wasn’t nearly enough.

The lilacs are nearing their end. The 6 lilac bushes at the side of the garage are bursting with huge gorgeous dark purple blooms. Last year we had very few flowers, so it’s great to see how they’ve exploded this year. The hedge, which was trimmed within an inch of its life, is now finally green all over and it looks like the corner where the tree branch crushed it has recovered as well.

Anders planted 3 rows of potatoes while I was in the US and they are already decently big and leafy. Tomorrow we will get the rest of the vegetables in the ground: seeds for kale, snap peas, and carrots. The tomato sprouts, and the 4 cucumber plants will also get planted, along with 2 bags of starter onions (red and yellow). There are a ton of hard green cherries on the tree and we hope to get the net on it Sunday when Martin (and hopefully Theo or Karin) is here to help. We haven’t had cherries for 2 years in a row, so I hope we’ll get lucky! The rest will be a later harvest than normal since we are so late getting stuff planted this year, but that’s okay.

My knee is so much improved that the physiotherapist said I could stop using crutches as long as I felt comfortable. I have more exercises to do, and will continue to use the knee brace until I feel really stable.

Anders and I went to a little village restaurant in Harlösa tonight that he found. It had planksteaks and hamburgers and salads and such on the menu online, but when we got there they gave us an additional menu of full-on sushi! I decided NOT to get the sushi, believe it or not, but regretted it later, as my hamburger, while good, wasn’t…well, sushi. I have no idea who makes the sushi though, as it was a Polish woman who was working there, and seemed to be the only one both waiting on tables (not too many guests at the time we were there) and preparing the food. I don’t know if I trust Harlösa village for sushi, but you never know. 😀

AND in exciting (to me) news, I got my new phone today! It’s through work, but I use it for private as well, and I haven’t had a new phone in a bazillion years. It only took 2 days to arrive after I ordered it. It’s an iPhone 14 and it’s YELLOW. My current phone is an iPhone 8…so you can definitely tell it’s been awhile. I shall spend a good deal of the weekend trying to get it all set up. I hope I can figure everything out, otherwise, it will be a trip to IT on Monday morning!

And now it’s nearly 11 pm, so this day is now nearing its end, just like May. Happy weekend!

Mood: tired
Music: The Shires—I See Stars

2 Responses

  1. Russell G. says:

    Are you getting a new phone because you accidentally flushed the old one down the toilet? You are, aren’t you.

    • lizardek says:

      HA! No. I got yelled at by IT for having such a old phone (apparently a security risk because it can’t handle all the updates) and told to get a new one ASAP.

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