

I promised a knee post, but I don’t really feel like writing about it more than what I already did in my last post, especially since I don’t think anyone cares except me. My knee is MUCH better, improving every day. Almost no pain, and I can walk without crutches, or with just 1 for balance. I can straighten it and bend it more than 90 degrees though that is still a little bit of a struggle. I’m continuing with the doctor’s orders until I see her again next week for a follow-up. I am most wary know of overdoing it, and of stumbling or falling and injuring it more/again, so I am taking it very slowly.

One thing that struck me while I was in the US is that I spent 4 days the second week and 3 days the third week working, and I was sitting at my mom’s old desk in a bad old gamer chair, and my arms were definitely lifted higher than normal, and I had no back or arm support whatsoever, and I had ZERO NECK OR SHOULDER PAIN the entire 3 weeks. NONE. ZIP. ZILCH. And guess what? I’ve been working at hme for 5 days this week, and my shoulder has shooting pains up the right side and into my neck. Sigh.

I did think to measure the height of the desk and chair so I have that information to use in both the office and here at home, now just need to be able to deal with it, which I will, as soon as I am done dealing with my knee issues. One thing at a time. Literal baby steps.

Mood: relieved
Music: Shooter (Luciana)—Life’s a Bitch

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