

Whenever I go to art or craft fairs, the things I have the hardest time resisting are the things that are embroidered or tapestry or have certain animals like lizards (goodness knows why), moose, horses, dragons, cats and roosters. I don’t have ANY rooster stuff and I don’t have a lot of horse stuff either, but I’m drawn to them nonetheless. I’m not allowed to buy moose anymore, but they find their way to me regardless; it’s not my fault, I swear.

The art/craft fair that we went to last weekend had over 70 exhibitors showing items in every imaginable medium: ceramic, basketry, watercolor, iron, pewter, wood, textiles, lace, felt, crystal, stone, paper, clay, glass, and dried flowers. We went first through the entire fair, looking at everything and mentally marking which ones we wanted to return to. Mom found a glass star that she really liked but ended up not getting it because she was afraid it was too wide for the window she had been envisioning it in. The kids didn’t find anything they really wanted, except for a little gift Karin picked up for my mom (a frog on a rock that says “World’s Best Grandma” in Swedish), but I found several things, and had a hard time not buying everything that I liked.

The horse vase that I mentioned in an earlier post was one of the things I returned to several times, at a table full of other ceramic items that I was completely indifferent to. She had 2 horse vases, one black and one white, and they were fairly simple things, a foot-high oblong vase with a horse’s head at the top on one side and the indication of a tail opposite. They were 600 kronor each, which is about $100: not that much in the grand scheme of things but by the time I got back there, I had already purchased some other things and was thinking that I needed to rein in the wild spending. Now, a week later, I’m still regretting it…but I do have her card and her studio is only a couple of towns over so maybe I’ll throw some Christmas hints my husband’s way.

But I thought I’d share the items I did pick up, because each of them was beautiful and drew me in somehow. Fine craftsmanship and a sense of color is always welcomed in the things I decorate my home with and each of these has found a place and become a part of my surroundings.

This woman had embroidered items done in a very traditional Scandinavian style on felt with more modern colors. I had the hardest time choosing something and ended up coming away with 2 things: a square pin embroidered with flowers and a small evening bag. She also had pillows and small cases for things like mobile phones, pencils, cosmetics and eyeglasses, all beautifully done. (Close-up)

This was the simplest and the smallest of the carved wooden candlesticks at this booth. Most of them had horses, and several were many-tiered elaborate confections with hanging baubles and flowered candle rings. I liked this one for the colors and the simplicity. Plus, with a pretty red candle and a holiday ring it will look great at Christmas.

The ceramics at this booth were wonderful, in lovely rich tones and each was decorated with a small animal: a ladybug or a little frog or a tiny green inchworm or a lizard. She also had a pitcher in a beautiful robin’s egg blue where the handle was actually a larger lizard that coiled up the side and over the top. I wanted that one badly (what a great conversation piece!) but it was much too pricey alas, so I bought a small oval plate instead. (Whole plate, Different angle)

What have you bought lately that made you happy?

Scorching Searing Hot Hot Hot Belated Birthday Wishes to misschili!

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